Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\EventFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\PersonFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\ProductFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Since doctrine/doctrine-bundle 2.12: The default value of "doctrine.orm.controller_resolver.auto_mapping" will be changed from `true` to `false`. Explicitly configure `true` to keep existing behaviour.
Since doctrine/doctrine-bundle 2.13: Enabling the controller resolver automapping feature has been deprecated. Symfony Mapped Route Parameters should be used as replacement.
Since api-platform/core 3.2: Using doctrine/inflector is deprecated since API Platform 3.2 and will be removed in API Platform 4. Use symfony/string instead. Run "composer require symfony/string" and set "keep_legacy_inflector" to false in config.
Since symfony/security-bundle 6.2: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security" service alias is deprecated, use "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security" instead. It is being referenced by the "App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener" service.
Since symfony/workflow 6.2: The "Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry" alias is deprecated, inject the workflow directly. It is being referenced by the "App\Service\ManageOrder" service.
Since symfony/workflow 6.2: The "Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry" alias is deprecated, inject the workflow directly. It is being referenced by the ".service_locator.sZgXWf5" service.
Since symfony/workflow 6.2: The "Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry" alias is deprecated, inject the workflow directly. It is being referenced by the ".service_locator.rL6lZM4" service.
Since symfony/workflow 6.2: The "Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry" alias is deprecated, inject the workflow directly. It is being referenced by the ".service_locator.QEOTiC8" service.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\EventListener\LocaleListener" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
User Deprecated: Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\EventFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
User Deprecated: Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\ProductFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
User Deprecated: Method "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter::addFilterConstraint()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Doctrine\PersonFilter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.symbol AS symbol_3, t0.conversion_rate AS conversion_rate_4, t0.rounding AS rounding_5, t0.is_default AS is_default_6 FROM currency t0 WHERE t0.is_default = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 5]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.symbol AS symbol_3, t0.conversion_rate AS conversion_rate_4, t0.rounding AS rounding_5, t0.is_default AS is_default_6 FROM currency t0 WHERE t0.is_default = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 5]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE t0.slug = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "josef-tomes-slavi-zivotni-jubileum"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE t0.slug = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "josef-tomes-slavi-zivotni-jubileum"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND = ? AND IS NULL ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 4]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND = ? AND IS NULL ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 4]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "2"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "655"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "72"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "190"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND = ? AND IS NULL ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND = ? AND IS NULL ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "67"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "55"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "133"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "65"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "64"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "48"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "68"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 67]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 67]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 55]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 55]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 554 => 555 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 554 => 555 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "56"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "84"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 133]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 133]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 1334 => 1335 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 1334 => 1335 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "180"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "140"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "126"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "134"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "135"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "136"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 65]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 65]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 654 => 655 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 654 => 655 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "66"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "137"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "198"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "199"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "200"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "201"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 64]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 64]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 644 => 645 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 644 => 645 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "107"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "138"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "144"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "183"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 48]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 48]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 12 => 23 => 484 => 485 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN category_menu_type c2_ ON = c2_.category_id LEFT JOIN menu_type m1_ ON = c2_.menu_type_id LEFT JOIN p_category_category p3_ ON = p3_.category_sub_id WHERE p0_.is_active = ? AND >= ? AND <> ? AND p3_.category_super_id = ? AND = ? ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 23 => 484 => 485 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 13 => 14 => 15 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "131"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "69"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "657"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "675"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "725"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "191"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
[1 => 68]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.template AS template_3, t0.controller_name AS controller_name_4 FROM sub_menu_type t0 INNER JOIN category_sub_menu_type ON = category_sub_menu_type.sub_menu_type_id WHERE category_sub_menu_type.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 68]
"types" => [1 => 1]
"SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
[1 => 2]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, p0_.sequence AS sequence_1, p0_.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_2, p0_.category_super_id AS category_super_id_3, p0_.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_4 FROM p_category_category p0_ WHERE p0_.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY ASC"
"params" => [1 => 2]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, u0_.extension AS extension_2, u0_.mime AS mime_3, u0_.title AS title_4, u0_.short_description AS short_description_5, u0_.description AS description_6, u0_.created AS created_7, u0_.path AS path_8, u0_.original_name AS original_name_9, u0_.width AS width_10, u0_.height AS height_11, u0_.sequence AS sequence_12, u0_.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_13 FROM upload u0_ LEFT JOIN upload_group u1_ ON u0_.upload_group_id = LEFT JOIN category_upload_group c2_ ON = c2_.upload_group_id WHERE u1_.type = ? AND c2_.category_id = ?"
[1 => 12 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, u0_.extension AS extension_2, u0_.mime AS mime_3, u0_.title AS title_4, u0_.short_description AS short_description_5, u0_.description AS description_6, u0_.created AS created_7, u0_.path AS path_8, u0_.original_name AS original_name_9, u0_.width AS width_10, u0_.height AS height_11, u0_.sequence AS sequence_12, u0_.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_13 FROM upload u0_ LEFT JOIN upload_group u1_ ON u0_.upload_group_id = LEFT JOIN category_upload_group c2_ ON = c2_.upload_group_id WHERE u1_.type = ? AND c2_.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 12 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, u0_.extension AS extension_2, u0_.mime AS mime_3, u0_.title AS title_4, u0_.short_description AS short_description_5, u0_.description AS description_6, u0_.created AS created_7, u0_.path AS path_8, u0_.original_name AS original_name_9, u0_.width AS width_10, u0_.height AS height_11, u0_.sequence AS sequence_12, u0_.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_13 FROM upload u0_ LEFT JOIN upload_group u1_ ON u0_.upload_group_id = LEFT JOIN category_upload_group c2_ ON = c2_.upload_group_id WHERE u1_.type = ? AND c2_.category_id = ?"
[1 => 02 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, u0_.extension AS extension_2, u0_.mime AS mime_3, u0_.title AS title_4, u0_.short_description AS short_description_5, u0_.description AS description_6, u0_.created AS created_7, u0_.path AS path_8, u0_.original_name AS original_name_9, u0_.width AS width_10, u0_.height AS height_11, u0_.sequence AS sequence_12, u0_.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_13 FROM upload u0_ LEFT JOIN upload_group u1_ ON u0_.upload_group_id = LEFT JOIN category_upload_group c2_ ON = c2_.upload_group_id WHERE u1_.type = ? AND c2_.category_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 02 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.event_id AS event_id_4 FROM category_event t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.event_id AS event_id_4 FROM category_event t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.category_id AS category_id_4 FROM category_product t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.category_id AS category_id_4 FROM category_product t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.slug AS slug_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.sequence AS sequence_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.text_general AS text_general_10, t0.state AS state_11, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_12, t0.external_id AS external_id_13, t0.producer_id AS producer_id_14, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_15, t0.product_type_id AS product_type_id_16 FROM product t0 WHERE = ? AND ((t0.is_active = 1))"
[1 => 1171]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.slug AS slug_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.sequence AS sequence_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.text_general AS text_general_10, t0.state AS state_11, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_12, t0.external_id AS external_id_13, t0.producer_id AS producer_id_14, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_15, t0.product_type_id AS product_type_id_16 FROM product t0 WHERE = ? AND ((t0.is_active = 1))"
"params" => [1 => 1171]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "1171"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Product"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_manager AS is_manager_3, t0.category_id AS category_id_4, t0.person_id AS person_id_5 FROM category_person t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_manager AS is_manager_3, t0.category_id AS category_id_4, t0.person_id AS person_id_5 FROM category_person t0 WHERE t0.category_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.surname AS surname_3, t0.department AS department_4, AS email_5, AS phone_6, AS room_7, t0.user_id AS user_id_8, t0.title_before AS title_before_9, t0.title_after AS title_after_10, t0.description AS description_11, t0.slug AS slug_12, t0.is_active AS is_active_13 FROM person t0 WHERE = ? AND ((t0.is_active = 1))"
[1 => 93]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.surname AS surname_3, t0.department AS department_4, AS email_5, AS phone_6, AS room_7, t0.user_id AS user_id_8, t0.title_before AS title_before_9, t0.title_after AS title_after_10, t0.description AS description_11, t0.slug AS slug_12, t0.is_active AS is_active_13 FROM person t0 WHERE = ? AND ((t0.is_active = 1))"
"params" => [1 => 93]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "93"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Person"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 562 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 562 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "230"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "231"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "232"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "233"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "234"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "394"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "393"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "693"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "695"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "713"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 230]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 230]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 768]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 768]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "768"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 768]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 768]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 276]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 276]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "276"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 276]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 276]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 769]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 769]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "769"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 769]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 769]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 275]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 275]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "275"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 275]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 275]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 728]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 728]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "728"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 728]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 728]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 727]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 727]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "727"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 727]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 727]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 253]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 253]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "253"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 253]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 253]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 274]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 274]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "274"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 274]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 274]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 273]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 273]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "273"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 273]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 273]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 272]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 272]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "272"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 272]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 272]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 271]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 271]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "271"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 271]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 271]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 270]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 270]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "270"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 270]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 270]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 269]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 269]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "269"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 269]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 269]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 268]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 268]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "268"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 268]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 268]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 267]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 267]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "267"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 267]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 267]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 265]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 265]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "265"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 265]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 265]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 264]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 264]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "264"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 264]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 264]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 263]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 263]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "263"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 263]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 263]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 262]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 262]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "262"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 262]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 262]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 261]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 261]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "261"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 261]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 261]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 260]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 260]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "260"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 260]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 260]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 259]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 259]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "259"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 259]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 259]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 258]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 258]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "258"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 258]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 258]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 257]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 257]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "257"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 257]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 257]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 256]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 256]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "256"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 256]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 256]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 255]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 255]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "255"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 255]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 255]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 254]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 254]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "254"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 254]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 254]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 252]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 252]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "252"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 252]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 252]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 251]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 251]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "251"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 251]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 251]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 250]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 250]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "250"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 250]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 250]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 249]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 249]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "249"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 249]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 249]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 248]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 248]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "248"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 248]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 248]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 247]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 247]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "247"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 247]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 247]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 246]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 246]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "246"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 246]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 246]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 245]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 245]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "245"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 245]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 245]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 244]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 244]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "244"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 244]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 244]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 243]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 243]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "243"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 243]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 243]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 242]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 242]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "242"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 242]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 242]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 241]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 241]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "241"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 241]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 241]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 240]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 240]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "240"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 240]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 240]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 239]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 239]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "239"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 239]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 239]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 238]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 238]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "238"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 238]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 238]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 237]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 237]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "237"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 237]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 237]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 236]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 236]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "236"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 236]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 236]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 708]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 708]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "708"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 708]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 708]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 707]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 707]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "707"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 707]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 707]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 706]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 706]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "706"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 706]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 706]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 709]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 709]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "709"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 709]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 709]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 712]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 712]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "712"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 712]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 712]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 231]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 231]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 795]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 795]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "795"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 795]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 795]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 686]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 686]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "686"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 686]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 686]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 380]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 380]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "380"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 380]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 380]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 378]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 378]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "378"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 378]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 378]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 379]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 379]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "379"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 379]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 379]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 377]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 377]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "377"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 377]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 377]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 375]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 375]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "375"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 375]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 375]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 376]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 376]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "376"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 376]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 376]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 374]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 374]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "374"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 374]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 374]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 373]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 373]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "373"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 373]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 373]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 287]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 287]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "287"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 287]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 287]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 288]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 288]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "288"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 288]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 288]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 372]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 372]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "372"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 372]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 372]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 371]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 371]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "371"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 371]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 371]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 370]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 370]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "370"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 370]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 370]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 369]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 369]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "369"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 369]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 369]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 368]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 368]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "368"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 368]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 368]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 367]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 367]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "367"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 367]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 367]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 366]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 366]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "366"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 366]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 366]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 365]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 365]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "365"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 365]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 365]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 364]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 364]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "364"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 364]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 364]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 363]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 363]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "363"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 363]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 363]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 362]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 362]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "362"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 362]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 362]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 361]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 361]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "361"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 361]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 361]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 360]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 360]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "360"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 360]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 360]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 359]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 359]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "359"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 359]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 359]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 358]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 358]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "358"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 358]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 358]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 357]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 357]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "357"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 357]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 357]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 356]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 356]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "356"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 356]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 356]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 355]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 355]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "355"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 355]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 355]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 354]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 354]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "354"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 354]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 354]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 353]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 353]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "353"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 353]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 353]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 352]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 352]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "352"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 352]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 352]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 351]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 351]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "351"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 351]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 351]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 350]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 350]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "350"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 350]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 350]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 349]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 349]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "349"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 349]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 349]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 348]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 348]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "348"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 348]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 348]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 347]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 347]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "347"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 347]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 347]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 346]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 346]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "346"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 346]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 346]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 345]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 345]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "345"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 345]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 345]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 344]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 344]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "344"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 344]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 344]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 343]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 343]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "343"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 343]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 343]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 342]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 342]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "342"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 342]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 342]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 341]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 341]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "341"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 341]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 341]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 340]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 340]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "340"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 340]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 340]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 339]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 339]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "339"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 339]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 339]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 338]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 338]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "338"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 338]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 338]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 337]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 337]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "337"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 337]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 337]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 336]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 336]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "336"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 336]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 336]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 335]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 335]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "335"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 335]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 335]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 334]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 334]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "334"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 334]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 334]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 333]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 333]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "333"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 333]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 333]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 332]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 332]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "332"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 332]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 332]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 331]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 331]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "331"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 331]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 331]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 330]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 330]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "330"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 330]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 330]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 329]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 329]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "329"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 329]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 329]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 328]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 328]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "328"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 328]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 328]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 327]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 327]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "327"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 327]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 327]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 326]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 326]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "326"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 326]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 326]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 325]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 325]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "325"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 325]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 325]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 324]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 324]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "324"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 324]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 324]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 323]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 323]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "323"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 323]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 323]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 322]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 322]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "322"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 322]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 322]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 321]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 321]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "321"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 321]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 321]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 320]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 320]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "320"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 320]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 320]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 319]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 319]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "319"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 319]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 319]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 318]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 318]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "318"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 318]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 318]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 317]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 317]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "317"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 317]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 317]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 316]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 316]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "316"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 316]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 316]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 315]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 315]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "315"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 315]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 315]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 314]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 314]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "314"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 314]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 314]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 313]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 313]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "313"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 313]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 313]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 312]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 312]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "312"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 312]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 312]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 311]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 311]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "311"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 311]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 311]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 310]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 310]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "310"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 310]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 310]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 309]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 309]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "309"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 309]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 309]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 308]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 308]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "308"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 308]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 308]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 307]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 307]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "307"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 307]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 307]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 306]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 306]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "306"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 306]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 306]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 305]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 305]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "305"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 305]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 305]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 304]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 304]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "304"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 304]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 304]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 303]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 303]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "303"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 303]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 303]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 302]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 302]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "302"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 302]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 302]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 301]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 301]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "301"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 301]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 301]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 300]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 300]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "300"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 300]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 300]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 299]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 299]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "299"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 299]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 299]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 298]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 298]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "298"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 298]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 298]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 297]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 297]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "297"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 297]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 297]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 296]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 296]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "296"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 296]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 296]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 295]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 295]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "295"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 295]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 295]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 294]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 294]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "294"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 294]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 294]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 293]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 293]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "293"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 293]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 293]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 292]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 292]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "292"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 292]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 292]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 291]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 291]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "291"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 291]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 291]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 290]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 290]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "290"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 290]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 290]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 289]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 289]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "289"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 289]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 289]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 286]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 286]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "286"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 286]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 286]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 285]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 285]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "285"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 285]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 285]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 284]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 284]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "284"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 284]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 284]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 283]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 283]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "283"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 283]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 283]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 282]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 282]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "282"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 282]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 282]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 281]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 281]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "281"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 281]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 281]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 232]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 232]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 687]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 687]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "687"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 687]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 687]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 385]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 385]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "385"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 385]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 385]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 384]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 384]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "384"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 384]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 384]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 383]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 383]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "383"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 383]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 383]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 688]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 688]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "688"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 688]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 688]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 382]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 382]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "382"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 382]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 382]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 381]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 381]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "381"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 381]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 381]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 233]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 233]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 386]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 386]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "386"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 386]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 386]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 711]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 711]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "711"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 711]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 711]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 234]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 234]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 392]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 392]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "392"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 392]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 392]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 390]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 390]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "390"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 390]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 390]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 391]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 391]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "391"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 391]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 391]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 394]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 394]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 387]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 387]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "387"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 387]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 387]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 388]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 388]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "388"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 388]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 388]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 389]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 389]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "389"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 389]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 389]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 393]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 393]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 277]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 277]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "277"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 277]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 277]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 278]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 278]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "278"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 278]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 278]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 279]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 279]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "279"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 279]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 279]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 693]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 693]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 694]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 694]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "694"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 694]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 694]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 695]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 695]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 696]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 696]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "696"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 696]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 696]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 713]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_super_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 713]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 714]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.menu_name AS menu_name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.html AS html_5, t0.title AS title_6, t0.is_active AS is_active_7, t0.slug AS slug_8, t0.javascript AS javascript_9, t0.sequence AS sequence_10, t0.is_menu AS is_menu_11, t0.latitude AS latitude_12, t0.longitude AS longitude_13, t0.state AS state_14, t0.has_comments AS has_comments_15, t0.is_indexable AS is_indexable_16, t0.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_17, t0.created_at AS created_at_18, t0.category_type_id AS category_type_id_19, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_20 FROM p_category t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 714]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"sql" => "SELECT e0_.content AS content_0, e0_.field AS field_1 FROM ext_translations e0_ WHERE e0_.foreign_key = ? AND e0_.locale = ? AND e0_.object_class = ?"
"params" => [1 => "714"
2 => "cs"
3 => "App\Entity\Project\Category"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 714]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 714]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 2]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 2]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 10]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 10]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 796]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.is_menu_item AS is_menu_item_3, t0.category_super_id AS category_super_id_4, t0.category_sub_id AS category_sub_id_5 FROM p_category_category t0 WHERE t0.category_sub_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 796]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.stock AS stock_3, t0.external_id AS external_id_4, t0.avg_restock_days AS avg_restock_days_5, t0.is_active AS is_active_6, t0.product_id AS product_id_7, t0.colour_id AS colour_id_8, t0.availability_id AS availability_id_9, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_10, t0.product_type_id AS product_type_id_11 FROM product_variant t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?"
[1 => 1171]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.stock AS stock_3, t0.external_id AS external_id_4, t0.avg_restock_days AS avg_restock_days_5, t0.is_active AS is_active_6, t0.product_id AS product_id_7, t0.colour_id AS colour_id_8, t0.availability_id AS availability_id_9, t0.upload_id AS upload_id_10, t0.product_type_id AS product_type_id_11 FROM product_variant t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 1171]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
[1 => 650]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 650]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
[1 => 652]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 652]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
[1 => 653]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS data_2, t0.sequence AS sequence_3, t0.parameter_group_id AS parameter_group_id_4, t0.category_id AS category_id_5, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_6, t0.person_id AS person_id_7 FROM parameter t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 653]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_3, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_4 FROM product_variant_upload_group t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
[1 => 650]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_3, t0.product_variant_id AS product_variant_id_4 FROM product_variant_upload_group t0 WHERE t0.product_variant_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 650]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2 FROM upload_group t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 2353]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2 FROM upload_group t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 2353]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.extension AS extension_3, t0.mime AS mime_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.short_description AS short_description_6, t0.description AS description_7, t0.created AS created_8, t0.path AS path_9, t0.original_name AS original_name_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.sequence AS sequence_13, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_14 FROM upload t0 WHERE t0.upload_group_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 2353]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.extension AS extension_3, t0.mime AS mime_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.short_description AS short_description_6, t0.description AS description_7, t0.created AS created_8, t0.path AS path_9, t0.original_name AS original_name_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.sequence AS sequence_13, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_14 FROM upload t0 WHERE t0.upload_group_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 2353]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 2]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 2]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 562 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 562 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ INNER JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE ? IN (p1_.category_super_id) AND p0_.is_active = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_3, t0.person_id AS person_id_4 FROM person_upload_group t0 WHERE t0.person_id = ?"
[1 => 93]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.sequence AS sequence_2, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_3, t0.person_id AS person_id_4 FROM person_upload_group t0 WHERE t0.person_id = ?"
"params" => [1 => 93]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2 FROM upload_group t0 WHERE = ?"
[1 => 59]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2 FROM upload_group t0 WHERE = ?"
"params" => [1 => 59]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.extension AS extension_3, t0.mime AS mime_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.short_description AS short_description_6, t0.description AS description_7, t0.created AS created_8, t0.path AS path_9, t0.original_name AS original_name_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.sequence AS sequence_13, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_14 FROM upload t0 WHERE t0.upload_group_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
[1 => 59]
, types:
[1 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.extension AS extension_3, t0.mime AS mime_4, t0.title AS title_5, t0.short_description AS short_description_6, t0.description AS description_7, t0.created AS created_8, t0.path AS path_9, t0.original_name AS original_name_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.sequence AS sequence_13, t0.upload_group_id AS upload_group_id_14 FROM upload t0 WHERE t0.upload_group_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 59]
"types" => [1 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 10]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 10]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
[1 => 7962 => 1]
, types:
[1 => 12 => 1]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, p0_.menu_name AS menu_name_2, p0_.description AS description_3, p0_.html AS html_4, p0_.title AS title_5, p0_.is_active AS is_active_6, p0_.slug AS slug_7, p0_.javascript AS javascript_8, p0_.sequence AS sequence_9, p0_.is_menu AS is_menu_10, p0_.latitude AS latitude_11, p0_.longitude AS longitude_12, p0_.state AS state_13, p0_.has_comments AS has_comments_14, p0_.is_indexable AS is_indexable_15, p0_.is_xml_exportable AS is_xml_exportable_16, p0_.created_at AS created_at_17, p0_.category_type_id AS category_type_id_18, p0_.upload_id AS upload_id_19 FROM p_category p0_ LEFT JOIN p_category_category p1_ ON = p1_.category_sub_id WHERE p1_.category_super_id = ? AND p0_.category_type_id = ? AND > 10 ORDER BY p0_.sequence ASC"
"params" => [1 => 7962 => 1]
"types" => [1 => 12 => 1]
Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\LoginController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\MenuController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\OrderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\ProductController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TestController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\TestController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TestController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TestController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\TestController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TestController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TranslationController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\TranslationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TranslationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TranslationController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\TranslationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TranslationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\FormController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\FormController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\HomepageController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\MenuController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\PageController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\PageController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\PersonController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\PersonController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures).
Resolving inheritance for "App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryItemExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryCollectionExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension" (parent: .instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryItemExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension" (parent: .instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryCollectionExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener).
Resolving inheritance for "App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener).
Resolving inheritance for "App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber).
Resolving inheritance for "App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ClientFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ClientFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ContactFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ContactFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ContactFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ContactFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\RegistrationFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\RegistrationFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler.0.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler).
Resolving inheritance for "App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler" (parent: .instanceof.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler.0.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\EventRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\FileRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\FileRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\FileRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\FileRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Service\ManageOrder" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Service\ManageOrder).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Service\ManageOrder" (parent: .instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Service\ManageOrder).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Twig\AppExtension" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Twig\AppExtension).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Twig\AppExtension" (parent: .instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Twig\AppExtension).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: cache.adapter.filesystem).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.system" (parent: cache.adapter.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.validator" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.serializer" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.annotations" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.property_info" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal" (parent:
Resolving inheritance for "cache.system_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.global_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
Resolving inheritance for "assets._version__default" (parent: assets.json_manifest_version_strategy).
Resolving inheritance for "assets._default_package" (parent: assets.path_package).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.null" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.sendmail" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.smtp" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.native" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "workflow.blog_publishing" (parent: workflow.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "workflow.blog_publishing" (parent: workflow.marking_store.method).
Resolving inheritance for "workflow.product_publishing" (parent: workflow.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "workflow.product_publishing" (parent: workflow.marking_store.method).
Resolving inheritance for "state_machine.purchase_flow" (parent: state_machine.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "state_machine.purchase_flow" (parent: workflow.marking_store.method).
Resolving inheritance for "secrets.decryption_key" (parent: container.env).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.validator_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.retry.multiplier_retry_strategy.failed" (parent: messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.retry.multiplier_retry_strategy.export" (parent: messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy).
Resolving inheritance for "notifier.transport_factory.null" (parent: notifier.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection.configuration).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.event_manager" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_configuration" (parent: doctrine.orm.configuration).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_manager_configurator" (parent: doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" (parent: doctrine.orm.entity_manager.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.security_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "security.user.provider.concrete.users_in_memory" (parent: security.user.provider.in_memory).
Resolving inheritance for "security.user.provider.concrete.user_provider" (parent:
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.config).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.context).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.config).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.main.user_provider" (parent: security.listener.user_provider.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "security.context_listener.0" (parent: security.context_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.session.main" (parent: security.listener.session).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout_listener.main" (parent: security.logout_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout.listener.default.main" (parent: security.logout.listener.default).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout.listener.session.main" (parent: security.logout.listener.session).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.form_login.main" (parent: security.authenticator.form_login).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authentication.success_handler.main.form_login" (parent: security.authentication.success_handler).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authentication.failure_handler.main.form_login" (parent: security.authentication.failure_handler).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.manager.main" (parent: security.authenticator.manager).
Resolving inheritance for "security.firewall.authenticator.main" (parent: security.firewall.authenticator).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.user_checker.main" (parent: security.listener.user_checker).
Resolving inheritance for "security.exception_listener.main" (parent: security.exception_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.lazy_context).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.webpack_encore" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "api_platform.cache.route_name_resolver" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource_collection" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api).
Resolving inheritance for "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_category_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_search_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_category_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_order_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\OrderFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_event_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_date_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\DateFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_price_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_search_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_price_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_date_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\DateFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_price_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_order_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\OrderFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_product_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_search_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "annotated_app_entity_project_reserved_time_api_platform_doctrine_orm_filter_date_filter" (parent: ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\DateFilter).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_auth" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_command" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_twig_component" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_controller" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_crud" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_docker_database" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_entity" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_fixtures" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_form" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_message" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_messenger_middleware" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_registration_form" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_reset_password" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_encoder" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_normalizer" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_subscriber" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_twig_extension" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_test" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_validator" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_voter" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_user" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_migration" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_stimulus_controller" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_security_form_login" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_state_processor" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_state_provider" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.traceable" (parent: messenger.middleware.traceable).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware" (parent: messenger.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message" (parent: messenger.middleware.send_message).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.handle_message" (parent: messenger.middleware.handle_message).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware.default" (parent: doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware.default" (parent: doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.request" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.console" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.messenger" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.cache" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.http_client" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.mailer" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.translation" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.workflow" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.php" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.event" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.router" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.profiler" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.doctrine" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.debug" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\StoreInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\UriSigner"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\String\Slugger\SluggerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\FragmentUriGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "error_renderer.html"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "error_renderer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $parameterBag"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\TagAwareCacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "mailer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\TransportInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Reader\TranslationReaderInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\ExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Writer\TranslationWriterInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Translation\LocaleAwareInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\LocaleSwitcher"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "translator.formatter"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "workflow.registry"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $phpLogger"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service ".service_locator.hnz5ZNh"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service ".service_locator.OavZKAY"; reason: private alias.
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Changed reference of service "App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "App\Service\GPWebpay" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "App\Service\GoogleXmlFeed" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "App\Service\RssFeed" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "App\Twig\AppExtension" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "locale_listener" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "http_kernel" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "url_helper" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "services_resetter" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "fragment.renderer.inline" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.messenger_consume_messages" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.messenger_failed_messages_retry" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.router_debug" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "console.command.router_match" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "console.command.translation_debug" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "mailer.mailer" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "mailer.mailer" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.null" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.sendmail" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.smtp" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.native" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "workflow.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "state_machine.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "workflow.blog_publishing" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "workflow.product_publishing" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "state_machine.purchase_flow" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "router_listener" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "form.type.choice" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type.file" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type.color" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.form.transformation_failure_handling" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.form.validator" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.upload.validator" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.csrf" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "validator.builder" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "messenger.middleware.send_message" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "messenger.middleware.router_context" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "messenger.retry.send_failed_message_for_retry_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "messenger.routable_message_bus" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "notifier.transport_factory.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "notifier.transport_factory.null" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "data_collector.translation" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "data_collector.messenger" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "maker.event_registry" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "maker.maker.make_registration_form" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.logout_url_generator" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.http_utils" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.http_utils" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.context_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.listener.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.authenticator.manager" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authenticator.json_login" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.trans" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.routing" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.form" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.profiler" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.router" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "debug.file_link_formatter.url_format" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.debug_toolbar" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "webpack_encore.tag_renderer" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "api_platform.router" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "api_platform.listener.request.deserialize" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "api_platform.swagger_ui.processor" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "api_platform.swagger_ui.action" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "ApiPlatform\Symfony\Messenger\Processor" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "knp_paginator" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "knp_paginator.helper.processor" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "knp_paginator.helper.processor" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "fos_js_routing.extractor" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "fos_js_routing.router_debug_exposed_command" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.EE0.cm9" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.Z9ydiC1" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.ePJDrPt" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.rL6lZM4" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.1Z9fEX7" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.Q29gZDe" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.tT.N87M" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.5cAhUFF" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.CshazM0" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z." previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.9brG_g5" previously pointing to "cmf_routing.router" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator._1SGciK" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_deserialize.inner" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Removed service "App\Entity"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "container.env"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.system"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.apcu"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.filesystem"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.psr6"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.redis"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.memcached"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.doctrine_dbal"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.pdo"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.array"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.path_package"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.url_package"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.static_version_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.json_manifest_version_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "http_client.abstract_retry_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "mailer.transport_factory.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "workflow.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "state_machine.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "workflow.marking_store.method"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionLanguageSyntaxValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\AllValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\AtLeastOneOfValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\BicValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\BlankValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CallbackValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CardSchemeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ChoiceValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CidrValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CollectionValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CompoundValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CountValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CountryValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CssColorValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CurrencyValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateTimeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DivisibleByValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\EmailValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\EqualToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionSyntaxValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\FileValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThanOrEqualValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\HostnameValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IbanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IdenticalToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ImageValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IpValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsFalseValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsNullValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrueValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsbnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsinValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IssnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\JsonValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LanguageValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LengthValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LessThanOrEqualValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LessThanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LocaleValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LuhnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlankValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotEqualToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotIdenticalToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNullValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RangeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RegexValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\SequentiallyValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TimeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TimezoneValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TypeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UlidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UniqueValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UrlValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UuidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ValidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\WhenValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.send_message"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.handle_message"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.traceable"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "notifier.transport_factory.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection.configuration"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.schema_asset_filter_manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_transaction"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_ping_connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_close_connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_open_transaction_logger"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.configuration"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.entity_manager.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ""; reason: abstract.
Removed service "maker.auto_command.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.logger_prototype"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.activation_strategy.not_found"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.handler.fingers_crossed.error_level_activation_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.context"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.lazy_context"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.config"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.missing"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.in_memory"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.ldap"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.chain"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.session"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.cookie_clearing"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.default"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.listener.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.custom_success_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.success_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.custom_failure_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.failure_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.exception_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.authenticator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.user_provider.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.user_checker"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.session"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.login_throttling"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.http_basic"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.form_login"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.json_login"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.x509"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.remote_user"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.access_token"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.access_token.chain_extractor"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.serializer.property_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.serializer.group_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.order_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.range_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.date_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.boolean_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.numeric_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.exists_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.search_filter"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\DependencyInjection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TestController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TestController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\TestController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\TranslationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\TranslationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\TranslationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\FormController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\FormController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\MenuController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\PageController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\PersonController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryItemExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Extension\QueryCollectionExtensionInterface.0.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Doctrine\TranslatableResultExtension"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeControllerListener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\BeforeRequestListener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface.0.App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\EventSubscriber\OrderStateSubscriber"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ChangePasswordFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ClientFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ContactFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ContactFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\RegistrationFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler.0.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\AvailabilityRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryCategoryRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryEventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryFileRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryPersonRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryProductRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CategoryUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ClientDiscountRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ClientRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ColourRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CommentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ContactMessageRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\CurrencyRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\EventUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ExportRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\FileRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\FileRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\LabelRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\MenuTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\NoteRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\OpenTimeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterGroupTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ParameterRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PaymentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PaymentTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PersonRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PersonUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PriceRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProducerRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ProductVariantUploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseEventRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseProductVariantRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\PurchaseRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ReservedTimeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\ReviewRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\SubMenuTypeRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\TransportationPaymentRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\TransportationRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\UploadGroupRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\UploadRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\Project\VideoRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Service\ManageOrder"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Service\ManageOrder"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface.0.App\Twig\AppExtension"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Twig\AppExtension"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "App\Doctrine\EventFilter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "App\Doctrine\PersonFilter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "App\Doctrine\ProductFilter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "App\Message\Export"; reason: unused.
Removed service "App\Middleware\WaitTimeMiddleware"; reason: unused.
Removed service "Gedmo\Translatable\TranslatableListener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "http_cache"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "reverse_container"; reason: unused.
Removed service "assets.empty_package"; reason: unused.
Removed service "assets.empty_version_strategy"; reason: unused.
Removed service "psr18.http_client"; reason: unused.
Removed service "mailer.default_transport"; reason: unused.
Removed service "translator.logging"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "annotations.filesystem_cache_adapter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "serializer.mapping.cache.symfony"; reason: unused.
Removed service "serializer.name_converter.camel_case_to_snake_case"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".cache_connection.GD_MSZC"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".cache_connection.JKE6keX"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.handler.native_file"; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.abstract_handler"; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.marshaller"; reason: unused.
Removed service "validator.mapping.cache.adapter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.symfony_serializer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.validation"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.router_context"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.amqp.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.redis.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.sqs.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.beanstalkd.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.listener.dispatch_pcntl_signal_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_sigterm_signal_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.channel_policy"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.flash_message_importance_mapper"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.monolog_handler"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.failed_message_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.admin_recipient.0"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.well_known_schema_asset_filter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.default_schema_manager_factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection_expiries"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".1_ServiceLocator~FGKBL6e"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.ansi"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.connection_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.em_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.connection_registry_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.maker.make_functional_test"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.maker.make_unit_test"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.chrome_php"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.gelf_message"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.html"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.json"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.line"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.loggly"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.normalizer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.scalar"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.wildfire"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.logstash"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.http_client"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.authentication.session_strategy_noop"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.context_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.user_authenticator"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.header"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.query_string"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.request_body"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.user_checker.chain.main"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.loader.chain"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.extension.htmlsanitizer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.extension.debug"; reason: unused.
Removed service "webpack_encore.cache"; reason: unused.
Removed service "api_platform.path_segment_name_generator.underscore"; reason: unused.
Removed service "api_platform.path_segment_name_generator.dash"; reason: unused.
Removed service "api_platform.metadata.path_segment_name_generator.dash"; reason: unused.
Removed service "api_platform.serializer_locator"; reason: unused.
Removed service "api_platform.doctrine.metadata_factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "symfonycasts.reset_password.fake_request_repository"; reason: unused.
Removed service "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\ImagePullerClientBundle"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.logger.translation"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.ldap_locator"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".service_locator.XXv1IfR"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".service_locator.0TACwl3"; reason: unused.
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.helper" to "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" to "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController" to "App\Controller\Shop\CategoryController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\LoginController" to "App\Controller\Shop\LoginController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\MenuController" to "App\Controller\Shop\MenuController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\OrderController" to "App\Controller\Shop\OrderController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\ProductController" to "App\Controller\Shop\ProductController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController" to "App\Controller\Shop\ProfileController".
Inlined service "App\Security\EmailVerifier" to "App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController" to "App\Controller\Shop\RegistrationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\TestController" to "App\Controller\TestController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\TranslationController" to "App\Controller\TranslationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\FormController" to "App\Controller\Web\FormController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\HomepageController" to "App\Controller\Web\HomepageController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\MenuController" to "App\Controller\Web\MenuController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\PageController" to "App\Controller\Web\PageController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\PersonController" to "App\Controller\Web\PersonController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.CshazM0.App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController" to "App\Controller\Web\SiteMapController".
Inlined service "App\Service\RssFeed" to "App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler".
Inlined service "App\Service\GoogleXmlFeed" to "App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper" to "App\Security\EmailVerifier".
Inlined service "App\Service\ProjectInfoGetter" to "App\Twig\AppExtension".
Inlined service "App\Service\PersonInfoGetter" to "App\Twig\AppExtension".
Inlined service "App\Service\CategoryInfoGetter" to "App\Twig\AppExtension".
Inlined service "App\Service\EventInfoGetter" to "App\Twig\AppExtension".
Inlined service "error_handler.error_renderer.serializer" to "error_controller".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver" to "http_kernel".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cEhBhXG" to "fragment.handler".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.console" to "console.error_listener".
Inlined service "cache_clearer" to "console.command.cache_clear".
Inlined service ".service_locator.NBUFN6A" to "console.command.cache_pool_invalidate_tags".
Inlined service "messenger.listener.reset_services" to "console.command.messenger_consume_messages".
Inlined service ".service_locator.A3_mw5E" to "console.command.workflow_dump".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "cache.system.recorder_inner" to "cache.system".
Inlined service "cache.validator.recorder_inner" to "cache.validator".
Inlined service "cache.serializer.recorder_inner" to "cache.serializer".
Inlined service "cache.annotations.recorder_inner" to "cache.annotations".
Inlined service "cache.property_info.recorder_inner" to "cache.property_info".
Inlined service "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal.recorder_inner" to "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal".
Inlined service "assets._default_package" to "assets.packages".
Inlined service "assets._version__default" to "assets._default_package".
Inlined service "assets.context" to "assets._default_package".
Inlined service "mailer.transport_factory" to "mailer.transports".
Inlined service ".service_locator.yY.p4P7" to "translator.default".
Inlined service "translator.formatter.default" to "translator.default".
Inlined service "identity_translator" to "translator.formatter.default".
Inlined service "translation.extractor.php_ast" to "translation.extractor".
Inlined service "twig.translation.extractor" to "translation.extractor".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.php" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.xliff" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.xliff.xliff" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.po" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.yml" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.yaml" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.qt" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.csv" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.ini" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.json" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.res" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z..translation.warmer" to "translation.warmer".
Inlined service "translation.provider_collection_factory" to "translation.provider_collection".
Inlined service "workflow.blog_publishing.definition" to "workflow.blog_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.blog_publishing.transition.0" to "workflow.blog_publishing.definition".
Inlined service ".workflow.blog_publishing.transition.1" to "workflow.blog_publishing.definition".
Inlined service ".workflow.blog_publishing.transition.2" to "workflow.blog_publishing.definition".
Inlined service ".workflow.blog_publishing.transition.3" to "workflow.blog_publishing.definition".
Inlined service "workflow.blog_publishing.metadata_store" to "workflow.blog_publishing.definition".
Inlined service "workflow.product_publishing.definition" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service "workflow.product_publishing.metadata_store" to "workflow.product_publishing.definition".
Inlined service "state_machine.purchase_flow.definition" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service "state_machine.purchase_flow.metadata_store" to "state_machine.purchase_flow.definition".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.php" to "debug.debug_handlers_listener".
Inlined service "debug.controller_resolver.inner" to "debug.controller_resolver".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.xml" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.yml" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.php" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.glob" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.container" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "api_platform.route_loader" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.annotation.file" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.psr4" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service ".service_locator..6hZeC_" to "routing.loader.container".
Inlined service "routing.resolver" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service ".service_locator.9gXQpqd.router.default" to "router.default".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.router" to "router.default".
Inlined service ".service_locator.Kl0E_Fe" to "router.expression_language_provider".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer" to "router.cache_warmer".
Inlined service "annotations.dummy_registry" to "annotations.reader".
Inlined service "cache.property_access" to "property_accessor".
Inlined service "secrets.decryption_key" to "secrets.vault".
Inlined service "serializer.denormalizer.unwrapping" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.normalizer.constraint_violation_list" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.constraint_violation_list" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.problem.normalizer.constraint_violation_list" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonld.normalizer.validation_exception" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.documentation" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.entrypoint" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.error" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.serializer.normalizer.validation_exception" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.problem.normalizer.error" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.flatten_exception" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.problem" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.uid" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.datetime" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.constraint_violation_list" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.mime_message" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.datetimezone" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.dateinterval" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.form_error" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.backed_enum" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.data_uri" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.json_serializable" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.collection_filters" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.denormalizer.array" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonld.normalizer.object" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.xml" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.csv" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonopenapi.encoder" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.yamlopenapi.encoder" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonld.encoder" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.problem.encoder" to "serializer".
Inlined service "" to "serializer.normalizer.mime_message".
Inlined service "twig.error_renderer.html" to "error_handler.error_renderer.serializer".
Inlined service "" to "session.factory".
Inlined service "session.handler.native" to "".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cXsfP3P" to "session_listener".
Inlined service "security.csrf.token_generator" to "security.csrf.token_manager".
Inlined service "form.extension" to "form.registry".
Inlined service "form.resolved_type_factory" to "form.registry".
Inlined service ".service_locator.iB_zunP" to "form.extension".
Inlined service "form.choice_list_factory.default" to "form.choice_list_factory.property_access".
Inlined service "form.choice_list_factory.property_access" to "form.choice_list_factory.cached".
Inlined service "form.type_extension.form.request_handler" to "form.type_extension.form.http_foundation".
Inlined service "validator.validator_factory" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.validator_initializer" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "validator.property_info_loader" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager.validator_loader" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service ".service_locator.DD5XRT4" to "validator.validator_factory".
Inlined service "cache.validator_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.validator_expression_language".
Inlined service "messenger.retry_strategy_locator" to "messenger.retry.send_failed_message_for_retry_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.ImTX580" to "messenger.failure.send_failed_message_to_failure_transport_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.5cAhUFF" to "messenger.routable_message_bus".
Inlined service "chatter.transport_factory" to "chatter.transports".
Inlined service "chatter.transports" to "chatter.messenger.chat_handler".
Inlined service "texter.transport_factory" to "texter.transports".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service "api_platform.data_collector.request" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.time" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.memory" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.validator" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.ajax" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.exception" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.logger" to "profiler".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.cache" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.translation" to "profiler".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.twig" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.http_client" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.doctrine" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.messenger" to "profiler".
Inlined service "mailer.data_collector" to "profiler".
Inlined service "notifier.data_collector" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.config" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.form.extractor" to "data_collector.form".
Inlined service "debug.validator.inner" to "debug.validator".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.dsn_parser" to "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.legacy_schema_manager_factory" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware.default" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware.default" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration".
Inlined service ".service_locator.2QFSoFK" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.event_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection".
Inlined service ".service_locator.OIq1Mrx" to "doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.typed_field_mapper.default" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_listener_resolver" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.result.recorder_inner" to "cache.doctrine.orm.default.result".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.query.recorder_inner" to "cache.doctrine.orm.default.query".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_configuration" to "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_manager_configurator" to "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.configuration_loader" to "doctrine.migrations.dependency_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.entity_manager_registry_loader" to "doctrine.migrations.dependency_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.configuration" to "doctrine.migrations.configuration_loader".
Inlined service "" to "doctrine.migrations.configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.container_aware_migrations_factory.inner" to "doctrine.migrations.container_aware_migrations_factory".
Inlined service "var_dumper.contextualized_cli_dumper" to "debug.dump_listener".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.debug" to "var_dumper.dump_server".
Inlined service "var_dumper.dump_server" to "var_dumper.command.server_dump".
Inlined service "maker.autoloader_util" to "maker.file_manager".
Inlined service "maker.autoloader_finder" to "maker.autoloader_util".
Inlined service "maker.template_component_generator" to "maker.generator".
Inlined service "maker.event_registry" to "maker.maker.make_subscriber".
Inlined service "maker.user_class_builder" to "maker.maker.make_user".
Inlined service "monolog.processor.psr_log_message" to "monolog.handler.main".
Inlined service ".service_locator.LcVn9Hr" to "security.token_storage".
Inlined service ".service_locator.LrCXAmX" to "security.helper".
Inlined service ".service_locator.SfGnQiG" to "security.helper".
Inlined service "cache.security_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.security_expression_language".
Inlined service "security.is_granted_attribute_expression_language" to "controller.is_granted_attribute_listener".
Inlined service "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.kT4gY7S" to "security.access_map".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.krb2b2C" to "security.access_map".
Inlined service "security.user_providers" to "security.listener.user_provider".
Inlined service "security.impersonate_url_generator" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.q1UFWmc" to ".security.request_matcher.kLbKLHa".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "security.authentication.session_strategy" to "security.listener.session.main".
Inlined service "security.authentication.success_handler.main.form_login" to "security.authenticator.form_login.main".
Inlined service "security.authentication.failure_handler.main.form_login" to "security.authenticator.form_login.main".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "security.exception_listener.main" to "".
Inlined service "security.logout_listener.main" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.c.Ql6JT" to ".security.request_matcher.kT4gY7S".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.c4ODgqZ" to ".security.request_matcher.krb2b2C".
Inlined service "twig.extension.security_csrf" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.dump" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.logout_url" to "twig".
Inlined service "" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.profiler" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.trans" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.assets" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.code" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.routing" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.yaml" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.debug.stopwatch" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.expression" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.httpkernel" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.httpfoundation" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.weblink" to "twig".
Inlined service "workflow.twig_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.serializer" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.form" to "twig".
Inlined service "App\Service\ManageOrder" to "twig".
Inlined service "App\Twig\AppExtension" to "twig".
Inlined service "doctrine.twig.doctrine_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.webprofiler" to "twig".
Inlined service "webpack_encore.twig_entry_files_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "webpack_encore.twig_stimulus_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.intl" to "twig".
Inlined service "knp_paginator.twig.extension.pagination" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.app_variable" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.runtime_loader" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.configurator.environment" to "twig".
Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service "twig.template_iterator" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service "fragment.handler" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
Inlined service "fragment.uri_generator" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
Inlined service "url_helper" to "twig.extension.httpfoundation".
Inlined service ".service_locator.pTeli0u" to "twig.runtime_loader".
Inlined service "twig.mime_body_renderer" to "twig.mailer.message_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.Yi4Ff.p" to "webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection".
Inlined service ".1_ServiceLocator~C8S1aSM" to "webpack_encore.twig_entry_files_extension".
Inlined service "cache.webpack_encore.recorder_inner" to "cache.webpack_encore".
Inlined service "nelmio_cors.options_resolver" to "nelmio_cors.cors_listener".
Inlined service "nelmio_cors.options_provider.config" to "nelmio_cors.options_resolver".
Inlined service "api_platform.error_listener" to "api_platform.listener.exception".
Inlined service "api_platform.serializer.context_builder.filter.inner" to "api_platform.serializer.context_builder.filter".
Inlined service "api_platform.serializer.mapping.class_metadata_factory.inner" to "api_platform.serializer.mapping.class_metadata_factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.cache.route_name_resolver.recorder_inner" to "api_platform.cache.route_name_resolver".
Inlined service ".service_locator.aN26Tvs" to "api_platform.state_provider.locator".
Inlined service ".service_locator.6YvL4e3" to "api_platform.state_processor.locator".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_validate" to "api_platform.state_provider.content_negotiation".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_processor.add_link_header.inner" to "api_platform.state_processor.add_link_header".
Inlined service "" to "api_platform.state_processor.serialize".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_processor.serialize" to "api_platform.state_processor.write".
Inlined service "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource.recorder_inner" to "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.yaml" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.cached".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.xml" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.attributes".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.attributes" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.class_name".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.deprecations" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.xml".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.yaml" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.not_exposed_operation".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.path_segment_name_generator.underscore" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.uri_template".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.not_exposed_operation" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.uri_template".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.uri_template" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.main_controller".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.main_controller" to "".
Inlined service "" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.operation_name".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.operation_name" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.input_output".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.input_output" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.formats".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.formats" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.filters".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.filters" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.alternate_uri".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.attributes" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.deprecations".
Inlined service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.cached".
Inlined service "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource_collection.recorder_inner" to "api_platform.cache.metadata.resource_collection".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.alternate_uri" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.php_doc".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.class_name" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.name_collection_factory.yaml".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.xml" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.yaml".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.json_schema.schema_factory" to "api_platform.json_schema.backward_compatible_schema_factory".
Inlined service ".2_ObjectNormalizer~qyNEj1k" to ".1_Serializer~qyNEj1k".
Inlined service "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy.inner" to "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy".
Inlined service "api_platform.pagination_options" to "api_platform.openapi.factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.swagger_ui.provider.inner" to "api_platform.swagger_ui.provider".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.json_schema.schema_factory.inner" to "api_platform.hydra.json_schema.schema_factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.http_cache.processor.add_headers" to "".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.partial_collection_view.inner" to "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.partial_collection_view".
Inlined service "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.partial_collection_view" to "api_platform.hydra.normalizer.collection_filters".
Inlined service "api_platform.pagination" to "api_platform.doctrine.orm.query_extension.pagination".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "api_platform.messenger.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory" to "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.link_factory.inner" to "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.link_factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_processor.add_link_header" to "api_platform.http_cache.processor.add_headers".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_deserialize" to "api_platform.state_provider.query_parameter_validate".
Inlined service "debug.var_dumper.cloner" to "debug.api_platform.debug_resource.command".
Inlined service "debug.var_dumper.cli_dumper" to "debug.api_platform.debug_resource.command".
Inlined service "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.php_doc" to "api_platform.messenger.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory".
Inlined service "api_platform.swagger_ui.provider" to "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_deserialize.inner" to "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_deserialize".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_validate.inner" to "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_validate".
Inlined service "knp_paginator.helper.processor" to "knp_paginator.twig.extension.pagination".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer_factory" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.query_utility" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.token_generator" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.random_generator" to "symfonycasts.reset_password.token_generator".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.token_generator" to "symfonycasts.reset_password.helper".
Inlined service "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Service\JwtService" to "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api".
Inlined service "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Service\ImageService" to "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api".
Inlined service ".service_locator.9brG_g5.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api" to "Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api".
Inlined service "doctrine.fixtures.loader" to "doctrine.fixtures_load_command".
Inlined service "doctrine.fixtures.purger.orm_purger_factory" to "doctrine.fixtures_load_command".
Inlined service "App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" to "doctrine.fixtures.loader".
Inlined service "stof_doctrine_extensions.metadata_cache" to "stof_doctrine_extensions.listener.translatable".
Inlined service "sensio_framework_extra.converter.manager" to "sensio_framework_extra.converter.listener".
Inlined service "sensio_framework_extra.converter.doctrine.orm" to "sensio_framework_extra.converter.manager".
Inlined service "framework_extra_bundle.date_time_param_converter" to "sensio_framework_extra.converter.manager".
Inlined service "sensio_framework_extra.converter.doctrine.orm.expression_language.default" to "sensio_framework_extra.converter.doctrine.orm".
Inlined service "sensio_framework_extra.view.guesser" to "sensio_framework_extra.view.listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.xRhNObu.sensio_framework_extra.view.listener" to "sensio_framework_extra.view.listener".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "fos_js_routing.normalizer.route_collection" to "fos_js_routing.serializer".
Inlined service "fos_js_routing.normalizer.routes_response" to "fos_js_routing.serializer".
Inlined service "fos_js_routing.denormalizer.route_collection" to "fos_js_routing.serializer".
Inlined service "fos_js_routing.encoder" to "fos_js_routing.serializer".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_authenticator" to "maker.auto_command.make_auth".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_command" to "maker.auto_command.make_command".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_twig_component" to "maker.auto_command.make_twig_component".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_controller" to "maker.auto_command.make_controller".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_crud" to "maker.auto_command.make_crud".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_docker_database" to "maker.auto_command.make_docker_database".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_entity" to "maker.auto_command.make_entity".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_fixtures" to "maker.auto_command.make_fixtures".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_form" to "maker.auto_command.make_form".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_message" to "maker.auto_command.make_message".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_messenger_middleware" to "maker.auto_command.make_messenger_middleware".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_registration_form" to "maker.auto_command.make_registration_form".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_reset_password" to "maker.auto_command.make_reset_password".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_serializer_encoder" to "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_encoder".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_serializer_normalizer" to "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_normalizer".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_subscriber" to "maker.auto_command.make_subscriber".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_twig_extension" to "maker.auto_command.make_twig_extension".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_test" to "maker.auto_command.make_test".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_validator" to "maker.auto_command.make_validator".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_voter" to "maker.auto_command.make_voter".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_user" to "maker.auto_command.make_user".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_migration" to "maker.auto_command.make_migration".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_stimulus_controller" to "maker.auto_command.make_stimulus_controller".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_form_login" to "maker.auto_command.make_security_form_login".
Inlined service "api_platform.maker.command.state_processor" to "maker.auto_command.make_state_processor".
Inlined service "api_platform.maker.command.state_provider" to "maker.auto_command.make_state_provider".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "debug.doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver.inner" to "debug.doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.datetime.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.datetime".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.request_attribute.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.request_attribute".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.request.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.request".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.session.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.session".
Inlined service "debug.api_platform.argument_resolver.payload.inner" to "debug.api_platform.argument_resolver.payload".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.service.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.service".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.default.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.default".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.variadic.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.variadic".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller".
Inlined service "messenger.senders_locator" to "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message".
Inlined service "messenger.bus.default.messenger.handlers_locator" to "messenger.bus.default.middleware.handle_message".
Inlined service "App\MessageHandler\ExportHandler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.VJ_EAzp".
Inlined service "mailer.messenger.message_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.tGvt0LH".
Inlined service "chatter.messenger.chat_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.vMw0m61".
Inlined service "texter.messenger.sms_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.XZowc.T".
Inlined service "texter.messenger.push_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.Lml2ICs".
Inlined service ".debug.http_client.inner" to ".debug.http_client".
Inlined service ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver.inner" to ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver".
Inlined service ".service_locator.KLVvNIq" to ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.doctrine" to "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware.default".
Inlined service "monolog.handler.null_internal" to "monolog.logger.event".
Inlined service "security.access.authenticated_voter" to "".
Inlined service "security.access.simple_role_voter" to "".
Inlined service "security.access.expression_voter" to "".
Inlined service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z." to ".service_locator.fuYM_Z..translation.warmer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.9gXQpqd" to ".service_locator.9gXQpqd.router.default".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" to ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN" to ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.9brG_g5" to ".service_locator.9brG_g5.Greendot\ImagePullerClient\Controller\Api".
Inlined service ".service_locator.xRhNObu" to ".service_locator.xRhNObu.sensio_framework_extra.view.listener".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.http_client" to ".debug.http_client.inner".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker" to "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_deserialize.inner".
Inlined service "api_platform.state_provider.query_parameter_validate" to "api_platform.state_provider.access_checker.post_validate.inner".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver.expression_language" to "debug.doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.chain_loader" to "api_platform.serializer.mapping.class_metadata_factory.inner".
Inlined service ".1_Serializer~qyNEj1k" to "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.api_gateway.inner".
Inlined service "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.api_gateway.inner" to "api_platform.openapi.normalizer.legacy.inner".
Inlined service ".service_locator.zji9YUu" to "console.command_loader".
Inlined service "router.default" to "router".
Inlined service "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default.inner" to "messenger.default_bus".
Inlined service "debug.event_dispatcher.inner" to "event_dispatcher".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.event" to "event_dispatcher".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.0" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.1" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.2" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.3" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.4" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.5" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.0" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.1" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.2" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.3" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.4" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".workflow.product_publishing.transition.5" to "workflow.product_publishing".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.0" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.1" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.2" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.3" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.4" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.5" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.6" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.7" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.8" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.9" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.10" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.11" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.12" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.13" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.14" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.15" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.16" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.0" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.1" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.2" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.3" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.4" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.5" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.6" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.7" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.8" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.9" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.10" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.11" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.12" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.13" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.14" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.15" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service ".state_machine.purchase_flow.transition.16" to "state_machine.purchase_flow".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.annotation" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.annotation" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.annotation" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.json" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonld.normalizer.item" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.serializer.normalizer.item" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.jsonld.normalizer.item" to "serializer".
Inlined service "api_platform.serializer.normalizer.item" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.object" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.object" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.json" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.yaml" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.yaml" to "serializer".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.profiler" to "profiler".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.profiler" to "profiler".
Inlined service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.link_factory" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.cached".
Inlined service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.link_factory" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.cached".
Inlined service "api_platform.doctrine.orm.metadata.resource.link_factory" to "api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_collection_factory.cached".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.class_discriminator_resolver" to "serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.class_discriminator_resolver" to "serializer".
Tag "workflow.workflow" was defined on service(s) "workflow.blog_publishing", "workflow.product_publishing", but was never used.
Tag "workflow.state_machine" was defined on service(s) "state_machine.purchase_flow", but was never used.