Magazín Archivní zprávy

Archivní zprávy ČSAV

[Reports from the Archives of the CSAS]

The Central Archives of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS) began publishing the yearbook in 1970, and it was discontinued with volume 16 in 1985. The aim was to inform about the results, work and professional problems in the archives, to seek solutions to questions of archival theory and practice in relation to the Central Archives of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and its holdings, and to inform about the results of work in codicology (Commission for the Inventory and Study of Manuscripts).

The successor to the Archivní zprávy ČSAV was Práce z dějin Československé akademie věd, Series A.

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 1, 1970, 57 p. - from the table of contents: J. Beran (Before the 225th Anniversary of the Society of the Unknown), Additions to the Collections of the CSAV Institute, H. Kušková (Library of the CSAV Institute), C. Knessl - J. Schwippel (History of the CSAV Departments), M. Boháček (CSAV Institute as a Department of the Commission for the Inventory and Study of Manuscripts), E. Janoušek - J. Levora (From newly processed collections)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 2, 1971, 61 p. - from the table of contents: J. Pražák (From the meeting of the Commission for the Inventory and Study of Manuscripts, 1969-1970), A. Šlechtová (Research agenda at the CSAV Institute), S. Spurná (Main documentation work at the CSAV Institute), L. Nový - L. Tondl (History of CSAV Institutes and documents, Part 1 of the discussion), H. Haasová (Some personal anniversaries in 1970 and 1971)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 3, 1972, 95 p. - from the table of contents: J. Klačka (The Slovak Academy of Sciences and its archives), J. Beran (Editions of sources and inventories of data on the history of the academies of sciences), J. Levora (On the question of evaluation and classification of written remains), J. Hanzal (Zdeněk Nejedlý Archive - its state and tasks), M. Něnička (Photographic material in the fonds and photo collection of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), A. Vavroušková (Photo archive of Bohumil Vavroušek), M. Haasová (Some personal anniversaries of 1972)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 4, 1972, 73 p. - from the table of contents: J. Beran - V. Procházka (Sources for the establishment of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), J. Levora (Files on the history of Czechoslovak oriental studies), J. Hulcová (Preservation of contemporary archival and book collections)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 5, 1973, 97 p. - from the table of contents: V. Vaněček (Academician V. Vojtíšek - ninety years old; Inventory of works for the years 1959-1972), A. Šlechtová (Collection of medals in the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), From newly processed collections (J. Levora: Stanislav Špaček; M. Něnička: Commission for Water Management of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; O. Paulová: Svatobor; R. Ballnerová: Foreign Department of the CSAV)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 6, 1974, 61 p. - from the contents: L. Nový - L. Tondl (History of the CSAV Departments and documents related to them, Part 2 of the discussion), J. Schwippel (Final Report on the file searches at the CSAV Departments; Stage 1 - 1969-1970)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 7, 1975, 167 p. - from the table of contents: J. Beran (proposals for the election of members of the CSA), J. Levora (Efforts to establish a technical academy), J: Schwippel et al. (Archives of special importance in the CSSR), From newly processed collections (M. Něnička: Sources for the History of the Physical and Technical Institutes of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences [I.]; S. Spurná: Ferdinand Herčík, Ladislav Rieger)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 8, 1976, 99 p. - from the table of contents: J. Schwippel (IV. conference of archives of academies of sciences of socialist countries), J. Šlechtová (Sources for the history of Czech astronomy), J. Levora (Efforts to establish a technical academy), K. Černý (NTM archive), From newly processed funds (S. Spurná: Slavic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 9, 1977, 202 p. - from the table of contents: V. Vaněček (The Law of the National Council of the Czechoslovak Republic on Archives - its comparison with the Law of the Czechoslovak National Assembly; The new basic legal norm on archives in the GDR), J. Levora (The Czechoslovak National Research Council, composition, organization, and activities of the institution), From newly processed funds (R. Ballnerová - J. Schwippel: Institute of Science Planning of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; M. Haasová: Sources for the History of Astronomy II; M. Něnička: Sources for the History of the Physical and Technical Institutes of the CSAV [II]; O. Paulová: Laboratory of Scientific Film of the CSAV).

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 10, 1978, 131 p. - from the table of contents: J. Beran (Election of Zdeněk Nejedlý as a member of the CSN and the CSAV), J. Novotný (Archives of the State Bank of the Czechoslovak Republic - Headquarters), From the newly processed collections (J. Levora: Slavic Institute 1928-1952; S. Spurná: Basic Library - CSAV Institute; M. Haasová: Otto Jírovec, Jaromír Klika)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 11–12, 1980, 164 p. - from the table of contents: J. Schwippel (V. Conference of Archives of Academies of Sciences of Socialist Countries in Sofia), J. Levora (Czechoslovak National Committee for the History of Natural and Mathematical Sciences), V. Podaný - J. Pomazal (Sources for the history of social sciences in the personal collections section of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, No. Něnička: Sources for the History of the Physical and Technical Institutes of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences III; M. Haasová: František Záviška; M. Marčeková: František Votruba; S. Spurná - J. Schwippel: Regional Centre of the World Federation of Scientific Workers Prague)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 13, 1981, 151 p. - from the table of contents: V. Vaněček et al. (On the question of the constitution of the first CSAV institutes), J. Schwippel (Government commission for the establishment of the CSAV), J. Beran (Josef Hlávka in the development of Czech science), L. Kamencová (110 years of the Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences), V. Podaný - J. Pomazal (Sources for the History of Social Sciences, Part II. Sociology), From the newly arranged collections (R. Ballnerová: I.-VIII. section of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; M. Haasová: Arnold Jirásek)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 14, 1982, 153 p. - from the table of contents: V. V. Podaný - J. Pomazal (Sources for the History of Social Sciences Part III. Oriental Studies), J. Beran, V. A. Postnikov, O. V. Iodko (Inventories of Sources on the History of Czechoslovak-Soviet Scientific Relations in the Archives of the Academies of Sciences), From the Newly Processed Collections (M. Šmidák: Vojtěch Jareš; Josef Podpěra, František Karel Studnička, Jaroslav Šafránek; R. Edererová: Josef Ryšavý; Z. Bisinger: Cabinet and Institute for Theory and History of Art of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; S. Spurná: Commission for the Organization of Scientific Societies; E. Brázdová: Circle of Modern Philologists)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 15, 1983, 126 p. - from the contents: L. Kamencová (30 years of the Slovak Academy of Sciences), J. Beran (The draft programme of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia for science and higher education from the beginning of 1948), J. Schwippel (VI. conference of archives of academies of sciences of socialist countries), From the newly processed funds (M. Šmidák: Karel Šandera; Z. Bisinger: Gustav Friedrich)

  • Archivní zprávy ČSAV 16, 1985, 115 p. - from the table of contents. Podaný - J. Schwippel (Concept of concentrating phonodocumentation for the history of sciences at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), J. Kejř - S. Spurná (Cabinet of the History of State and Law of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences)

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