
Instructions for specialized search in the catalogue of the T. G. Masaryk Library

The historical library collection of the T. G. Masaryk Institute, newly catalogued while preserving the original subject division of the library.

Search options in the catalogue of the T. G. Masaryk Library:


(if you are looking for a specific title, author, etc.).

Thematic sorting:

Generate a list of volumes by subject classification. In the advanced search, select the SIGNATURE 2 filter in the Search field and in the Enter word, ph rase field, fill in the abbreviation from the original subject classification. (The previous link with an overview of catalogued volumes containing the subject classification system of the T. G. Masaryk Library will guide you to the list of abbreviations of the processed subjects).

Special search:

Generate a list according to the selected "Word phrase". In the advanced search, select the NOTES filter in the Search field and enter the "Word Phrases" below. These can be combined (search for volumes that have, for example, Masaryk's signature and his notes at the same time):

  • TGM Notes
  • TGM's handwritten page commentary (on the front)
  • Signature Masaryk (or other surname you are looking for)
  • Marked with the letter Ψ (the Greek letter "psi" means that TGM had the book in his hand and read it)
  • Dedication of the author to Masaryk (or other person sought, e.g. Beneš)
  • Ex libris (the search can be limited by entering the surname of the personality)
  • Stamp (personal, institutional and heraldic ownership stamps)
  • Texts found (Archive of the Institute of Treasury and Archives)
  • Manuscript
  • Works of art (markings for originals)
  • Atlases, maps, plans (the whole volume is pictorial material)
  • Collection-ST (collection of old prints, up to 1800)
  • Collection-XIXth century (historical collection, from 1801)
  • Bohemica

Search only in the R. Hirsch Collection (the collection is part of the T. G. Masaryk Library, contains 60,000 volumes):

Enter advanced search in the catalogue of the T. G. Masaryk Library. In the search field select the filter "Note for OPAC "and enter the word Hirsch. This will limit the list of titles to the Hirsch collection only.

If you search the Hirsch collection for a specific subject, you can find a shortcut to it in:

Fill in the selected subject abbreviation in the next search field in the "Signature2" filter.

(Example: you are looking for volumes from the Hirsch Library dealing with ethics. Procedure: note for OPAC = Hirsch, Signatura2 = E. You will find a total of 817 titles.)

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