
Terms and Conditions

I. Introductory Provisions

These terms and conditions apply to purchases in the online shop of the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i., and specify the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer.

The Seller and the operator of the online shop is:

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.

Gabčíkova 2362/10

182 00 Prague 8

ID NO.: 67985921

DIC: CZ67985921

The Buyer is an individual person in the position of a consumer (who, when concluding and performing the contract, is not acting within the scope of his/her trade or other business activity or within the scope of his/her independent exercise of his/her profession) or an individual or legal person engaged in business (who independently carries out, on his/her own account and responsibility, a gainful activity by means of a trade or similar activity with the intention of doing so consistently for profit).

II. Conclusion of the purchase contract

All orders placed via the e-shop are considered binding. By submitting an order, the buyer confirms that he/she has read and agrees to the applicable terms and conditions, the complaints procedure and the method of personal data protection. The information provided by the buyer must be true and accurate.

The electronic order form filled in by the buyer is a draft purchase contract. The contract of sale is formed at the moment of receipt of the ordered goods by the buyer.

The place of delivery of the goods is the address specified by the buyer in the order form.

The ownership of the goods passes to the buyer upon payment of the purchase price upon receipt of the goods. The Buyer undertakes to take delivery of the ordered goods and to pay the total price and, if applicable, other charges (postage, packing) specified in the order.If the Buyer fails to fulfil his obligation to take delivery of and pay for the ordered goods, the Seller shall have the right to refuse further orders from this Buyer.

The Buyer may purchase goods in the Seller's e-shop both in the mode of a registered user and in a one-time (non-registered) form. By completing the registration form or order, the buyer gives the seller consent to the collection and archiving of personal data about the buyer and his purchases. This data may only be used by the seller within the framework of the applicable regulations for the administration and accounting of the company. (see Privacy Policy)

III. Method of payment

The ordered goods can be paid for

  1. in cash upon personal collection at the seller's address: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Gabčíkova 10, Prague 8,
  2. by transfer to the seller's account,
  3. by credit card.

If the buyer pays for the order in advance (by transfer, by card), the buyer shall pay the price for the ordered goods to the account of the service provider within 14 days from the date on which the order was delivered to the seller. In the event that the amount is not credited to the Seller's account within this period, the order will be considered cancelled by the Seller, which the Buyer expressly agrees to.

IV. Method of delivery and delivery conditions

The Buyer may collect the ordered goods in person at the Seller's address: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Gabčíkova 10, Prague 8. The buyer can also use the services of the Czech Post, Zásilkovna or the DPD transport company.

If it is not agreed how the item is to be packed, the Seller shall pack the ordered goods according to custom or in a manner necessary to protect the goods.

The Buyer is obliged to check the condition of the consignment with the carrier immediately upon acceptance and, if applicable, refuse to accept it if it is incomplete or damaged to a greater extent.

In case that the goods have to be delivered repeatedly or in a different way than agreed in the purchase contract due to reasons on the buyer's side, the buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with the repeated or replacement delivery.

The Buyer shall receive the ordered goods within 10 working days at the latest. If the Seller is unable to meet the delivery deadlines for extraordinary reasons, it shall immediately notify the Buyer and request the Buyer's consent to change the delivery deadline.

V. Claims and liability for defective performance

Pursuant to § 2165 et seq. Pursuant to § 2099 et seq. NZ the right of defective performance if the seller has delivered a smaller quantity of goods than the buyer's order. The buyer's right of defective performance is based on the defect that the goods have when the risk of damage passes to the buyer, even if it becomes apparent later. The buyer's right shall also be established by a defect arising later which the seller has caused by a breach of his duty. The buyer has no rights under defective performance if the defect is one which he should have known with ordinary care at the time of conclusion of the contract.

If the defective performance is a material breach of contract and is claimed during the claim period, the buyer has the right to:

  1. to remedy the defect by supplying a new item without defect or by supplying the missing item,
  2. to remedy the defect by repairing the item,
  3. a reasonable discount on the purchase price; or
  4. withdraw from the contract.

VI. Withdrawal from the purchase contract - return of goods

The buyer has the right under § 1829 et seq. To withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receipt of the goods. If he/she chooses to do so, he/she must send back the undamaged goods without signs of use or wear within the specified period (the date of dispatch is decisive). Goods cannot be returned on delivery. Upon receipt of the returned goods, the seller shall refund the customer the corresponding amount in a previously agreed manner without undue delay, at the latest within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract. The Seller shall not be liable for the costs related to the dispatch of the goods in accordance with § 18291j of the German Civil Code.

VII. Withdrawal from the purchase contract by the seller, right to change the price

The Seller reserves the right to cancel the order or part of it in case the goods have been sold out and are out of stock. In such a case the Seller shall immediately contact the Buyer and agree with him on the next course of action. If the buyer has already paid the partial or full purchase price, this will be refunded.

VII. Final provisions

By submitting the order, the Buyer accepts without objection the price of the goods, the terms of delivery and all provisions of the terms and conditions as in force on the date of submission of the order as well as on the date of dispatch of the ordered goods.

The parties expressly agree, in accordance with Section 262(1) of the Commercial Code, that their rights and obligations shall be governed by the law of the Czech Republic unless otherwise expressly provided for in the terms and conditions.

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